Our World Jujtisu Federation – AUS .

(JJKI), Association which teaches Ju-Jitsu and Kobudo following the teachings that SOKE ROBERT CLARK gave to his student Sensei Mancini. It cooperates with experienced Masters, including many personal students of Soke Clark, such as:

This Association come from those Schools attached to WJJF and Soke Clark,
Here you will find all the news about the world of WJJ-TDS in Italy, an overview of the history of the Federation, informations about Ju-Jitsu and Instructors, the motivations that drive us to `practice this discipline and the philosophy on which it is based. You can search on the cities where you can participate in our courses, as well as subscribe to the newsletter to be updated on federal training courses, events and anything else about the World Ju-Jitsu TDS. There is also a photogallery, a list of useful links and a press review. [ LINK ]

World Jujitsu Federation – AUS

The origins of Ju-Jitsu lie far back in the past and there is no clear line of historical development – it seems to be involved with just about every martial art practiced in Japan. The World Ju-Jitsu Federation (WJJF) represents the culmination of 40 years Ju-Jitsu and general martial art experience. The WJJF was founded in 1976 Chief International Technical Director, Soke Robert Clark.

The Australian branch of the World Ju-Jitsu Federation founded in Sydney in 2003 by WJJF National Coach & Vice President Alan Campbell who was a personal student of the late Soke Robert Clark.

The WJJF AU are totally committed to the art of Ju-Jitsu and its continuing technical development. We are an advocate of teaching Ju-Jitsu to anyone willing to learn, whether it is through school training programs, corporate courses, special needs programs or early childhood development.

From our unrivalled instructional techniques and excellent facilities, to our thorough understanding of your individual training requirements, we are commited to offering the perfect environment in which you can learn the ancient art of Ju-Jitsu. Whether you are looking to improve your martial skills, seeking a truly effective self defence system, or trying to increase your awareness, self confidence and physical fitness, we can meet your needs.

At the World Ju-Jitsu Federation Australia, we not only seek to inspire this level of commitment in our students, but also strive to perfect the service we provide.